Ask your doctor for Mendoza’s
I will steal this
Glycerine Kox’s Hyve Syrup ____ ____ Sulphur Arsenic
Drink it every day to stay healthy
“I will steal this” is scribbled next to one of the bottles. Who could have written this?
You can combine this document with another to figure out which bottle contains what type of liquid.
Use the marker on the back of Julia’s portrait to look for a relation between the numbers given to Mendoza’s elixirs on the flyer of Circo Maestro and the bottles shown in the Medicine Cabinet.
Arsenic has a value of “11.8”. You also know the values of all of the other available elixirs. Can you figure out the value of the elixir that someone was planning to steal?
Can you find similarities between the notation of the value and the contents of the bottles?
The dark liquid has a standard value of “8”; the clear liquid has a standard value of “9”.
The elixir that was stolen is three parts dark, and three parts clear. If you look this up on Mendoza’s chart of elixirs, you will see that Laudanum, a painkiller, was stolen.