October 16 1913
Dear Julius,
Enclosed is an article from the local newspaper. If you understand the plan we made over the past year, you will know how to read what our final act entailed.
Make the M…
To complete, skip letters; the interval is our best score.
To complete, follow Arthur’s steps
I hope you approve of my methods, it took a lot out of me to get it all to this point. But the worst is behind us. Let that be the end of it. I know I’ll never see you in person, but I want you to know I am not angry at you, that I love you and I wish you the very best. I hope you, like I, found happiness. I think Elisabeth would want that for both of us.
With all my heart,
Your Julia
October 16, 1913
May 11, 1913
September 10, 1912
October 5, 1913
July 13, 1912
June 7, 1912
“Make the…”
Have you already folded the newspaper article? If not, first take a look at the instructions on/hints for the Circo Maestro flyer.
“Make the…”
If you fold the newspaper correctly, you will be able to see a body part in the lion cages.
This body part is given a particular score on another document. Can you find it?
“Make the…”
The foot has a score of “5” on the knife throwing illustration. So you go round the circle of letters, starting at the indicated “M”, and read each sixth letter (the next letter should be an “a”). Can you finish the sentence?
“Make the…”
When read correctly, the letters on the wheel should say “MAGICIANSWANDGOFULLCIRCLE”.
So the complete text reads “Make the magician’s wand go full circle”.
Where can you find the Magician’s wand? Any idea on how to make it go full circle?
“…full circle”
Is there any document that uses this kind of language?
“…full circle”
Arthur’s portrait says something about coming full circle. Can you use this photo to complete the circle of the magician’s wand?
“…full circle”
If you align the Magician’s wand with the dark line of the logo on Arthur’s wagon, it will go full circle. Now look at the image of Arthur overlaid on the Magician’s poster. Does anything stand out?
The letter instructs you to “follow Arthurs steps”. What have we learned about what Arthur’s steps may look like?
Arthur lost a foot at the lion cages. If you overlaid his portrait with the poster of the Magician correctly, You can see his right foot is now substituted with a wooden leg. The wooden leg has a special shape that you could recognize if it were to leave an imprint anywhere. Can you see these footsteps on any documents?
Look at the back of this letter. You will find two pairs of Arthur’s footsteps. They should correspond with words on the front of the page. Can you read it?
The first two words of the hidden message are “Giuseppe” and “found”. On the back of this letter you will also find a sequence of most of the documents. Go through each of them in the right order, and find the words indicated by Arthurs footsteps!
The sequence only exists out of dates. So, use the documents that are marked by a date. The document referred to as “1913” will only have that year on it.
The final word of the message is indicated by footsteps on the front of the first letter. If you want to know where Giuseppe ended up, you can use the itinerary Julia drew on the back of this first letter!
“Giuseppe found / Arthurs foot and was / devastated by losing both / his child and his lions / so / he resigned and went to live as / a brother in San Michele”