July 13, 1912
Handkerchief in Right Hand I want to be free with you
Handkerchief in Left Hand I have nothing to give you
Handkerchief in Breast Pocket I will give you both body and mind
Handkerchief in Pant Pocket I wish not to see you again
Wear a Black Bow Tie I will follow you to the moon
Wear a Necktie I am engaged so leave me
let me know how you feel. I think we have a lot to offer each other
Can you find any context for this document? Is it mentioned anywhere? Does it match with any events described around this date?
This is the flower card given by Julia to the lion tamer. Can you find anything that corresponds with the options for attire?
The portrait of a man wears a handkerchief in his right hand, has a handkerchief in his breast pocket, and wears a black bow tie.
He is saying:
“I want to be free with you / I will give you both body and mind / I will follow you to the moon”